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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

BEATFOR55 - The Reverbs

In 1984 Ric Menck's band, the Chicago-based Reverbs, released The Happy Forest, a jangle pop outfit with guitarist/vocalist Michael Brabeck on the Metro-America/Enigma label. Menck's work with the Reverbs led to a friendship with Matthew Sweet, whose band Buzz of Delight was in friendly competition with the Reverbs. Menck also became friends with Mitch Easter, a recording artist and producer whose work he admired, at around the same time.

"We were heavily influenced by bands like R.E.M. and the Bongos and the dBs and those Southern pop bands that were happening," he says. "We were obsessed with those records and naively tried to make something that was comparable. When I listen to it, it sounds not even close. But it was from a time where I felt so inspired by bands that I wanted to do it myself." Ric Menck.

Happy Forest [lp JVC Jap 1985] Ties

Eric Menck : Drums, Vocals
John Brabeck : Guitars, Vocals
Producer : The Reverbs & Michael Freeman

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